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The Master Accountants program an intensive course, designed by Industry experts with a focus to help you become an Industry-ready accounting professional. Through this program, master the most in-demand tools for a high-performing accounting career. Get practical and experiential learning, along with soft skills training and Career Services.

Accounting is the heart and soul of business. It includes all areas of business from small local businesses to giant global corporations. Accounting is the defining essence of trade, and includes all areas of commercial practice. Accounting training is therefore particularly important for aspiring business people.

Basic accounting training

Accounting training is inevitably linked with financial management. The basic training in accounting is the bedrock of further studies and qualifications. It’s also the primary training for critical technical management skills. The basic training levels are based on accountancy. Typically, the academic stream progresses from basic accountancy to advance diploma level, followed by further tertiary qualifications.

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